Aerial Hammock


Aerial Hammock

Aerial Hammock is an aerial dance apparatus. You will learn combinations of climbs, spins, rolls and wraps on a single point hammock and turn it into a dance sequence. 

Unlike Aerial Silk and Flyoga, Aerial Hammock has a personality of its own and is hung as a loop and swivel to allow for freer movement. Much more floor and air space is used resulting in big, elegant and graceful moves. You will learn how to dance in the air as you spin, swing, wrap, roll and drop.

Prerequisites: None

What to wear: Comfortable clothing. Leggings and a fitted top recommended. No footwear required.


Hammock Stretch

Using a single point hammock, we guide you through a full body stretch that will leave you feeling stronger and refreshed. Sequences will challenge your balance and improve your strength and active flexibility in your legs, arms, back and core. The hammock provides a safe support for low inversions which are a great way to decompress the body after a long day sitting at the office. This class is also a perfect complement to pole, hoop and silks training.

Prerequisites: None

What to wear: Comfortable clothing. Leggings and a fitted top recommended. No footwear required.